I know what Twitter is; I don't use it. I don't use Facebook, so luckily, it does zero to my ego.
Richard ArmitageThe CIA estimates that Iraq probably has a few hundred metric tons of chemical weapons agents, for mustard gas, sarin, and other deadly concoctions. This is addition to an extensive capacity to produce biological weapons, including anthrax and ricin, which is fatal within 24 to 36 hours of exposure.
Richard ArmitageThere is no sign, not one sign, that the Iraqi regime has any intent to comply fully with the terms of Resolution 1441, just as it has failed to comply with previous U.N. Security Council resolutions. The international community gave Iraq one final opportunity to disarm peacefully, and that opportunity has run its course. Dr. Blix [Chief U.N. Weapons Inspector] told us on Monday that there has been no progress toward credible, verifiable disarmament.
Richard ArmitageI'd have described myself as a Tolkien reader before this, but now I'd describe myself as a Tolkien geek.
Richard Armitage