I think understanding or comprehension is probably the strongest emotion that you feel, or at least some kind of empathy.
Richard ArmitageBut finding these 16 warheads just raises a basic question: Where are the other 29,984? Because that is how many empty chemical warheads the U.N. Special Commission estimated he had - and he has never accounted for.
Richard ArmitageI'd say that, to be a good deal maker, you have to have three basic characteristics - timing, timing, and timing.
Richard ArmitageIt fills me with dismay sometimes when you look at the scripts that do come to you that are primarily focused on violence. There are so many other things to play around with.
Richard ArmitageAccording to the United Nations Special Commission [UNSCOM], which carried out inspections in Iraq for the better part of a decade, Iraq possesses some 25,000 liters of anthrax. This is, for the record, more than 5 million teaspoons of anthrax. And we have no idea where any of it is. Saddam Hussein has never accounted for one grain of it.
Richard Armitage