I caught a glimpse of happiness, and saw it was a bird on a branch, fixing to take wing.
Richard Peck...they'd just tell you to turn the other cheek, wouldn't they?...Trouble is, Mrs. Dowdel observed, after you've turned the other cheek four times, you run out of cheeks.
Richard PeckIf you cannot find yourself on the page very early in life, you will go looking for yourself in all the wrong places.
Richard PeckSeptember 11 We thought we'd outdistanced history Told our children it was nowhere near; Even when history struck Columbine, It didn't happen here. We took down the maps in the classroom, And when they were safely furled, We told the young what they wanted to hear, That they were immune from a menacing world. But history isn't a folded-up map, Or an unread textbook tome; Now we know history's a fireman's child Waiting at home alone.
Richard Peck