Maybe you'll take the cash out. So a credit card company or a bank that goes into the business of saying we're going to be the broker, we're going to sell you a mortgage that you're going to be able to pay off, we're going to help you reduce your credit card debt, we're going to help you save for retirement, we're going to put you into mutual funds that have low fees rather than high fees.
Richard ThalerI think the people who've been the most overconfident in our business in the last decade have been the people that called themselves risk managers.
Richard ThalerSo, what's a nudge? A nudge is some small feature of the environment that attracts our attention and alters our behavior.
Richard ThalerIs there a market for somebody selling a credit card that helps people pay down their balances? I think the question is yes. But it would have to be sold by a bank that's really willing to invest in being a trusted partner with its consumers, because they will make less money on each consumer.
Richard Thaler