Anytime you feel jealous or envious, you reject your uniqueness. It's a criticism of God's plan for you.
Rick WarrenIrrelevance happens when the speed of change outside an organization is greater than speed of change inside an organization.
Rick WarrenIf a pastor focuses only on teaching, he grows members with big ears and rears but tiny hands and hearts.Service is MODELED not taught.
Rick WarrenWe're not in control but we do have a greater hope and we do have a source of joy that isn't based on our circumstances.
Rick WarrenThere's two kinds of thinking. There is conjunctive thinking and there's disjunctive thinking. Disjunctive thinking says it has to be either/or. Now clearly, there are some either/or's - I either trust Christ or I don't. I'm either pregnant or I'm not. But a lot of thinking in Scripture, when it comes to theology is, in my opinion, conjunctive thinking. It's both/and. I believe that and I believe that.
Rick Warren