If you have a lot of money, you know that you can make almost anything happen, but with a smaller budget you don't have a lot of time or too many resources, so you have to conceive things in a very simple manner and make them happen fast.
Rob ZombieI don't think there is anything wrong with watching violence but I just think you have to present it in the appropriate light. I was like just watch how many accidents and deaths horror causes. Whereas I don't think anybody is going to go: "Oh, I just saw The Shining and I think I'm going to go axe somebody!" These movies aren't for everybody. The dark side of anything isn't for everybody. I think that you have to have some sort of responsibility in how you portray it because I always want the violence to seem real and if it seems disgusting then good, because it should.
Rob ZombieThe hardest part was convincing people that I was serious. The people were like 'you want to do this again'?
Rob ZombieYou know... the only person I really had to please after a point was the MPAA. Because Lions' Gate was like, hey, whatever you can get away with is fine, we don't care.
Rob ZombieA big mistake a lot of filmmakers do is they like, "We cut our whole ending to a Rolling Stones song." You better find a new ending then, because unless you have $2 million for that song.
Rob ZombieI didn't grow up in a creative environment. It was very boring town, boring everything. You go to school and you basically hate all the other kids because you don't understand them or what it's all about. At the same time I'm happy for that because I became very withdrawn and when you become withdrawn you develop your own bizarre-o personality.
Rob Zombie