Hysteria is a chaotic and irrational emotional state caused by seeing how the world really operates.
Robert Anton WilsonCynics regarded everybody as equally corrupt... Idealists regarded everybody as equally corrupt, except themselves.
Robert Anton WilsonThe devil is only a convenient myth invented by the real malefactors of our world.
Robert Anton WilsonI used to be an atheist, until I realized I had nothing to shout during blowjobs. Oh Random Chance! Oh Random Chance! just doesn't cut itโฆ.
Robert Anton WilsonTaking somebody's money without permission is stealing, unless you work for the IRS; then it's taxation. Killing people en masse is homicidal mania, unless you work for the Army; then it's National Defense. Spying on your neighbors is invasion of privacy, unless you work for the FBI; then it's National Security. Running a whorehouse makes you a pimp and poisoning people makes you a murderer, unless you work for the CIA; then it's counter-intelligence.
Robert Anton Wilson