It is my intent to beget a good understanding between the chymists and the mechanical philosophers who have hitherto been too little acquainted with one another's learning.
Robert BoyleAnd, to prevent mistakes, I must advertize you, that I now mean by elements, as those chymists that speak plainest do by their principles, certain primitive or simple, or perfectly unmingled bodies; which not being made of any other bodies, or of one another, are the ingredients of which all those called perfectly mixt bodies are immediately compounded, and into which they are ultimately resolved: now whether there be any such body to be constantly met with in all, and each, of those that are said to be elemented bodies, is the thing I now question.
Robert BoyleFemale beauties are as fickle in their faces as in their minds; though casualties should spare them, age brings in a necessity of decay.
Robert BoyleGod may rationally be supposed to have framed so great and admirable an automaton as the world for special ends and purposes.
Robert BoyleAs the sun is best seen at his rising and setting, so men's native dispositions are clearest seen when they are children, and when they are dying.
Robert BoyleThat there is a Spring, or Elastical power in the Air we live in. By which ฮตฮปฮฑฯฮฝฯ [elater] or Spring of the Air, that which I mean is this: That our Air either consists of, or at least abounds with, parts of such a nature, that in case they be bent or compress'd by the weight of the incumbent part of the Atmosphere, or by any other Body, they do endeavour, as much as in them lies, to free themselves from that pressure, by bearing against the contiguous Bodies that keep them bent.
Robert Boyle