Bring together things that have as yet never been brought together and did not seem predisposed to be so.
Robert BressonThe eye solicited alone makes the ear impatient, the ear solicited alone makes the eye impatient. Use these impatiences. Power of the cinematographer who appeals to the two senses in a governable way. Against the tactics of speed, of noise, set tactics of slowness, of silence.
Robert BressonPrefer what intuition whispers in your ear to what you have done and redone ten times in your head.
Robert BressonThe ear is profound, whereas the eye is frivolous, too easily satisfied. The ear is active, imaginative, whereas the eye is passive. When you hear a noise at night, instantly you imagine its cause. The sound of a train whistle conjures up the whole station. The eye can perceive only what is presented to it.
Robert Bresson