For such people the consummate act of moral clarity was a lynching or a suicide bombing, a fatwa or a pogrom. And they were ascendant now, rising like dark stars over a terminal landscape .
Robert Charles WilsonWe're all born strangers to ourselves and each other, and we're seldom formally introduced.
Robert Charles WilsonIt was possible at last to hear the silence to appreciate that there was a silence, deep and potent, out there beyond the pretension of the light.
Robert Charles WilsonI suppose the pursuit of fashion has always carried a price, monetary or otherwise.
Robert Charles WilsonFrom this new point of view, the universe I had inhabited became an object I could perceive in its entirety. It was a hypersphere embedded in a cloud of alternative states - the sum of all possible quantum trajectories from the big bang to the decay of matter. "Reality" - history as we had known or inferred it - was only the most likely of these possible trajectories. There were countless others, real in a different sense: a vast but finite set of paths not taken, a ghostly forest of quantum alternatives, the shores of an unknown sea.
Robert Charles Wilson