This inner peace of mind occurs on three levels of understanding. Physical quietness seems the easiest to achieve, although there are levels and levels of this too, as attested by the ability of Hindu mystics to live buried alive for many days. Mental quietness, in which one has no wandering thoughts at all, seems more difficult, but can be achieved. But value quietness, in which one has no wandering desires at all but simply performs the acts of his life without desire, that seems the hardest.
Robert M. PirsigThe mythos-over-logos argument points to the fact that each child is born as ignorant as any caveman. What keeps the world from reverting to the Neandertal with each generation is the continuing, ongoing mythos, transformed into logos but still mythos, the huge body of common knowledge that unites our minds as cells are united in the body of man. To feel that one is not so united, that one can accept or discard this mythos as one pleases, is not to understand what the mythos is.
Robert M. PirsigWhen you look directly at an insane man all you see is a reflection of your own knowledge that he's insane, which is not to see him at all.
Robert M. PirsigMy favorite piece of technical writing: Assembly of Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.
Robert M. PirsigWhen you live in the shadow of insanity, the appearance of another mind that thinks and talks as yours does is something close to a blessed event.
Robert M. Pirsig