I don't know that we're really going to need a label for the things we're thinking about doing next.
Robin PecknoldThe simpler songs are just done when the lyric has been stated; the more complex or band-oriented stuff can go in a million directions.
Robin PecknoldI think that's becoming more and more of a priority, letting other aspects of life take precedent over making music, or just approaching the whole thing more holistically.
Robin PecknoldI love Seattle, but I am definitely excited to be in a new place. Growing up there and then living in an apartment in the city for seven years, I just felt stagnant.
Robin PecknoldA label is like a bank with all these really important relationships, and maybe an aesthetic or a point of view. But if you only want to release two songs, you don't need the guy who can talk to all the retailers, because they're not going to stock two songs.
Robin PecknoldThe touring thing is such a huge time commitment. I'm really feeling like I want to start writing and recording music again. But I have to leave for tour tomorrow. That's kind of frustrating; at the end of the day, you're plugging into this lifestyle. It's the "band lifestyle," and that's weird! I would like for touring to be creative in its own right.
Robin Pecknold