The idea of having no limits, either through education or money or possessions or power, is radically alien to everything the Bible assumes and says.
Roger E. OlsonOnly God has no limits (except those he voluntarily imposes on himself). The mantra "no limits" is actually a call to idolatry.
Roger E. OlsonThe biblical writers didn't need to say everything; they could assume some things. They didn't anticipate a day when even Jews and Christians would fall under influences of non-biblical religions, philosophies, and worldviews, to the extent that is now the case in our pluralistic culture and society.
Roger E. OlsonWe, including many Christians, read the Bible through "eyes" conditioned by, and even accommodated to, modern Western culture plus the influences of messages and ideas from other cultures that are alien to the worldview of the biblical writers. Therefore, in order fully to understand the Bible and allow the Bible to absorb the world (rather than the world - culture - absorb the Bible) we must practice an "archaeology" of the biblical writers' implicit, assumed view of reality.
Roger E. Olson