At times, the biggest challenge in embracing simplicity will be the vague feeling of isolation that comes with it, since private sacrifice doesn't garner much attention in the frenetic world of mass culture.
Rolf PottsIn a way, simplifying your life for vagabonding is easier than it sounds. This is because travel by its very nature demands simplicity. If you don't believe this, just go home and try stuffing everything you own into a backpack. This will never work, because no matter how meagerly you live at home, you can't match the scaled-down minimalism that travel requires.
Rolf PottsVagabonding is about not merely reallotting a portion of your life for travel but rediscovering the entire concept of time.
Rolf PottsThe goal of preparation then is not knowing exactly where you'll go but being confident nonetheless that you'll get there.
Rolf Potts