He who travels in the Barque of Peter had better not look too closely into the engine room.
Ronald KnoxO God, for as much as without Thee We are not enabled to doubt Thee, Help us all by Thy grace To convince the whole race It knows nothing whatever about Thee.
Ronald KnoxIt is so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it.
Ronald KnoxKnox was engaged in a theological discussion with scientist John Scott Haldane. 'In a universe containing millions of planets,' reasoned Haldane, 'is it not inevitable that life should appear on at least one of them?' 'Sir,' replied Knox, 'if Scotland Yard found a body in your cabin trunk, would you tell them: 'There are millions of trunks in the world; surely one of them must contain a body? I think the would still want to know who put it there'.
Ronald Knox