You can't put passion and obsession into someone's employment contract - either you are or you aren't.
Ronnie AptekerWhat is it about business that makes us laugh - when things go wrong, which they do all the time (why, I still wish I knew) then we need to laugh.
Ronnie AptekerThe movie industry is brutal. It is dangerous. It is, for most, soul destroying. Creating art (music, books, films, etc.) can be beautiful and liberating, but trying to sell art, well, that is the movie business. There are few winners, and lots and lots of losers.
Ronnie AptekerToday, where you come from seems less and less important, as globalization is the new order. I prefer the old world.
Ronnie AptekerYou follow a passion, a dream, a belief, a vision, and before you know it, you are an entrepreneur. Once though, when you start to understand what this means, and what the possibilities are, the accidents then stop, and you become a forever obsessed entrepreneur that doesn't rest, and never stops trying to push the envelope.
Ronnie Apteker