God bless every soul that we lost. God bless the families who have to endure that loss, and God guide us to our reunion in heaven, and God bless the United States of America.
Rudy GiulianiNot from my point of view....[Clinton] want[s] to move toward mandated government medicine, socialized medicine.
Rudy GiulianiYou believe that you can win the nomination of your party, and then you believe that you're the strongest candidate to win the election for your party.
Rudy GiulianiI always felt, and I still feel, that the media doesn't belong in a public official's private life. It's a very difficult balance, because if you are elected to public office, people have a right to know a great deal about you, and the press has an absolute obligation to report all of that. But the reality is that there are times in which the reporting is really happening for almost voyeuristic reasons, in the gossip columns. Maybe half of it is wrong, and half of it is correct, and a lot of it is exaggerated. You've just got to get used to that if you're in public life.
Rudy Giuliani