A boy of to-day is affected by every change of tone and gust of opinion, so that he lies even when he desires to speak the truth.
Rudyard KiplingOne can't prescribe books, even the best books, to people unless one knows a good deal about each individual person.
Rudyard KiplingNo printed word, nor spoken plea can teach young minds what they should be. Not all the books on all the shelves - but what the teachers are themselves.
Rudyard KiplingNo one as yet has approached the management of New York in a proper spirit; that is to say, regarding it as the shiftless outcome of squalid barbarism and reckless extravagance. No one is likely to do so, because reflections on the long narrow pig-trough are construed as malevolent attacks against the spirit and majesty of the American people, and lead to angry comparisons.
Rudyard Kipling