Former New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, talk show Rush Limbaugh claim - " don't you love that, they "claim." I'm not claiming anything. I'm saying. Anyway. " - that Black Lives Matter exacerbates tensions and sows racial divides." How can that even be debatable?
Rush LimbaughAs far as I'm concerned, the people who aren't paying taxes don't get to run around claiming that they built everything, that the built the roads and that they built the bridges and so forth.
Rush LimbaughThe fact that we're spending $700 billion a year on oil is actually a good thing; it means we have the prosperity to do it. It means that oil's being used, and oil is the fuel for the engine of freedom.
Rush LimbaughThey want people to believe the Constitution says that if you are born to on a illegal alien mother, that you are automatically an American citizen. They want to insist that that's what the Constitution says, but it doesn't.
Rush LimbaughWho is going to fix the mess the Democrat Party's found itself in? Harry Reid gonna fix it? Howard Dean gonna work it out? Superdelegates, are they going to settle this? What, are we being had? Senator Barack Obama, we are told, is first an instrument of hope and then an instrument of change. Obama and his followers say that his biggest asset is bringing both sides together. His both sides are liberals. Both sides in the fight on the Democrat Party are liberals.
Rush LimbaughThere may be evidence the Russians are trying to tamper with elections. The Russians are trying to infiltrate everything we do, and they've succeeded. They've infiltrated Hollywood, they've infiltrated our universities, probably try to infiltrate elections by who knows what. But the idea that there is evidence that Putin was actively trying to elect Trump, there isn't a morsel of evidence for that, yet it shows up. The truth of the matter is that Putin doesn't care who runs the United States. It doesn't matter to him.
Rush Limbaugh