Look at how many victim groups there are. And they all happen to be Democrat constituency groups. They all are on the protest march. They're all angry; they're all enraged.
Rush LimbaughThere is no country on earth that can touch us in charitable efforts, in disaster relief efforts, in doing everything to help. We do not live under a suicide pact in the name of compassion, because you see what's incorporated in all this is that we're guilty of something. And we're not. We lead the world in goodness.
Rush LimbaughI'll bet you there are a lot of Donald Trump people out there who say, "If he has to work with Democrats to get what he wants done, then so be it. Even when Trump did the first deal with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on expanding the debt limit - and he talked about extending the debt limit forever 'cause it was such a good thing, Trump did." I had people saying, "You know what? I love it!" I'm talking about rock-ribbed, lifetime Republicans who said to me, "I love Trump sticking it to Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, but I not sure I like it being done this way."
Rush LimbaughThe liberals are this way. When they lose elections, they don't look inward and ask what they did wrong. They look at you and ask, "Why are you so stupid? How in the world could you have not voted for us?".
Rush Limbaugh