I still don't understand why you don't mention the family charitable foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative. The Clinton Global Initiative is actually like a Morning Call for women all over the world. When the Clinton Global Initiative comes, that's a signal to women all over the world to come to New York.
Rush LimbaughDonald Trump has put together a coalition, whether he knows it or not, whether he intended to or not, he's put together a coalition that's exactly what the Republican Party says that it needs to win and, yet, look like what they're doing. They're trying to get Trump out of the race, because they're not in charge of it. They're not in control of it. And it's the most amazing thing to watch this happen.
Rush LimbaughNever mind that from the 1600s until the late twentieth century the population the United States was 85% white, 12% black, and there have been changes demographically in the United States since the days of its founding. So they're trying to tell you that the United States' greatness happened because of diversity. Well, go back and look at the days the country was founded, and they do. When they do that, they see how racist and bigoted this country was. they see the seeds for bigotry and racism and discrimination were sown at the founding, is how it's now taught.
Rush LimbaughI think clear heads will prevail and the correct enemy will be identified, political enemy will be identified, and efforts will come together to defeat whoever it is they throw up - Democrats, I mean.
Rush LimbaughHillary Clinton lost because of who she is, because of her track record of failure, because there's no resume, there's no record of experience that she's good or qualified at anything. She cannot cite any achievements or accomplishments, other than traveling miles and being named after people she wasn't named after and being told to go join the dogs by somebody at the Marine Corps. She's exposed.
Rush LimbaughWhy does The Smartest Woman in the World [Hillary Clinton], who could carve her own career, who was on the Watergate committee - and got thrown off of it, by the way, for wanting to deny Richard Nixon his constitutional rights.How does a woman who has become a fixture in northeastern liberal politics find herself in the backwoods of Arkansas?
Rush Limbaugh