If you can't bring them down economically you kill them, that's how you promote equality. You build a wall to keep them in the country. Socialism, communism, build walls to make sure people can't get out. In a country that's communist and builds a wall, there's nobody trying to get in. Works every time it's tried.
Rush LimbaughAmerica doesn't exist in decline! America never has existed in decline, and people do not want to be told that the country that they live in now is in decline and to live it, learn it, and love it. And so they rejected it. So Van Jones goes out and he understands it's not racism - at least he says he understands. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. He says he understands. He hears... He listens to Trump's speech and he finally sees how other people are hearing it.
Rush LimbaughI think people will lie to pollsters. I think the truth of Obama and what people think of Obama is when you ask people about his agenda and then nobody likes anything. They don't like Obamacare. They don't like the Iran policy. They don't like taxes. They don't like anything he's done. But you put him in the question and people get scared to say anything negative because of the racial component.
Rush LimbaughThere used to be a joke that women need a reason to have sex, while men only need a place. Does policy reflect that juvenile mindset? Such a requirement baffles some women in the real world: a female member of the US Commission on Civil Rights told me, 'I am still trying to wrap my mind around the idea of any two intimates in the world agreeing as to "why.'
Rush LimbaughI have chosen a different path when talking about the failings of the Republican leadership. I don't make it personal, and many other people do, and I suspect maybe they're not aware of that. If everybody's dumping on 'em, they're gonna conclude that everybody is.
Rush LimbaughHere's Hillary Clinton getting away with tying the Republicans to rich people. She's tying the Republican Party to Wall Street, to the big banks. She's tying the Republican Party to the financial crisis in 2008. It's all their fault. She's tying herself as with the low-income crowd - and the average, ordinary middle class American - as their champion, as their defender. They don't know that it's not the Republicans in bed with banks. They don't know that it's the banks that are practically paying for and underwriting the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton today.
Rush LimbaughTrump is actually achieving quite a lot. He has actually already fulfilled a whole bunch of campaign promises. The economy is doing great. Jobs, real jobs are being created. American companies are announcing they're gonna reopen factories here. The coal industry is coming back to life because of what Trump did. And for his part, you know, Trump seems aware about it.
Rush Limbaugh