This is a hallmark trait of the left. There is never any effort to elevate anybody. Liberalism is all about tearing down. Liberalism is all about lowering. It is all about destroying 'em.
Rush LimbaughWe can't unify around a single premise! Name one thing the Republican Party today could unify on. You can't.
Rush LimbaughWhat you're gonna hear Jim Harbaugh say, many in this country are getting their backs up filled with rage and anger and disbelief, and they are threatened by this. Harbaugh believes in toughness in men, he believes in toughness in America, he believes in toughness in American men. You damn well want it in your Special Forces, gang. You want it with the Navy SEALs. You want it all over the United States military. You want manliness, you want toughness, you want bravery, you want courage.
Rush LimbaughThe Clinton Foundation does nothing but donate to charities." They can't find any evidence that what Schweizer has written about the Clintons and their foundation and the fund-raising and the getting paid for speeches is wrong. They can't find anything where he's wrong. The book has not been "discredited." So [Donald] Trump delivers this massive speech. It hit home run after home run after home run.
Rush Limbaugh