The heavier our bodies, the higher our will, our spirit, rises above them.' 'The wearier we are, the more splendid the training.
Ruth BenedictThe adequate study of culture, our own and those on the opposite side of the globe, can press on to fulfillment only as we learn today from the humanities as well as from the scientists.
Ruth BenedictIt is strange how long we rebel against a platitude until suddenly in a different lingo it looms up again as the only verity.
Ruth Benedict. . . work even when I'm satisfied with it is never my child I love nor my servant I've brought to heel. It's always busy work I do with my left hand, and part of me watches grudging the wastes of a lifetime.
Ruth BenedictThe tough-minded ... respect difference. Their goal is a world made safe for differences, where the United States may be American to the hilt without threatening the peace of the world, and France may be France, and Japan may be Japan on the same conditions.
Ruth BenedictSociety in its full sense ... is never an entity separable from the individuals who compose it. No individual can arrive even at the threshold of his potentialities without a culture in which he participates. Conversely, no civilization has in it any element which in the last analysis is not the contribution of an individual.
Ruth Benedict