I feel quite lost INSIDE myself, like I'm looking for my train tracks for my life, as if they would just appear and solve the growing questions I seem to face (my reflection in the morning).
Sabrina Ward HarrisonI have learned that trust comes and goes and love comes before hate. Elise age 10.
Sabrina Ward HarrisonI believe in myself. I believe in my vision, my life, my talent, my art. More than anyone. No one can take that away from me.
Sabrina Ward HarrisonTRYING TO FILL THE empty SPACE i don't know if I will ever understand this Ache. Perhaps it is simpley and completely Love and what HAPPENS. at the end. Loss November 17, early morning
Sabrina Ward HarrisonYou've got this amazing creature- yourself- that can breathe, dance, and cry. And you have a certain amount of moments (maybe a few million moments-but moments they are) and you have this chance to do absolutely anything- to reach out to another vulnerable & true. To dance on the roof of euphoria and pray beside the ocean to let go. We have the chance every moment to Be Alive and give to this world who needs each one of us so badly.
Sabrina Ward Harrison