Raising the congestion charge won't necessarily make a difference. Rather than increasing the amount you pay in congestion charge, we should be thinking about an ultra low emission zone. We should penalise those cars who are the biggest polluters and reward cars that don't, like electric cars.
Sadiq KhanThere is no doubt that we need to manage migration better.Migrants are always getting the blame for politicians.
Sadiq KhanLondon has always been open to trade, people, ideas. We have to keep that. I want to compete not just with New York, Paris, Berlin... the ten fastest growing cities in the world are in China. How do we compete with them? We have to attract investment and we have to compete on skills.
Sadiq KhanBritain cannot compete with China or Taiwan on price; we compete on skills, on arts and culture.
Sadiq KhanWhat London wants is a champion, a fighter for London. It doesn't want a patsy of George Osborne or David Cameron.
Sadiq KhanI am backing Remain for a very simple reason: it is the best way of protecting jobs, wages and rights for working people.
Sadiq KhanLondon is a great city full of amazing people from all backgrounds and when Londoners face adversity, we always pull together. We stand up for our values. And we show the world. We are the greatest city in the world.
Sadiq KhanI believe in neighbourhood policing. We also need to look at young people being radicalised.
Sadiq KhanWe need to make it safe to cycle across London. Why not pedestrianise parts of London like Oxford Street and Parliament Square? I intend to plant 200 million trees across London in my term as mayor.
Sadiq KhanI'm going to bring in something called the London Living Rent. These are homes where rent is one third of average local earnings.
Sadiq KhanHow is it having more control if there are young people stifled the opportunities that we had?
Sadiq KhanI am the only candidate for mayor of London with the experience of being a transport minister.
Sadiq KhanHow is it having more control if there is double the immigration as there would be under an Australian style points system?
Sadiq KhanI think to suggest that somehow Muslims aren't welcome in the USA, to suggest somehow that being a Muslim is incompatible with being western, unintentionally plays into the hand of Daesh and so-called Isis.
Sadiq KhanMost employers I speak to, they want to create jobs and give decent salaries. Some small and medium companies say to me they cannot afford to pay the living wage. I say "what about if I gave you a business rate cut?" and they say, yes, ok. We want companies which are skilled up, generating more profit, more corporation tax - we should not be embarrassed at success, as long as they pay their taxes.
Sadiq KhanLondon had always been different. There is the old saying that Britain is ten years behind America, and the country as a whole is ten years behind London. If you have a Mayor of London working for jobs and growth and strong businesses, that is going to create opportunities for businesses and people in Burnley or Hull and places all over the UK.
Sadiq KhanThere is one school of thought that says Mayors should cut ribbons, be funny and be a buffoon. The other school of thought is that we can do more. Scotland is getting more powers. Wales is getting more powers. Greater Manchester. London needs more powers.
Sadiq KhanI would use the power of procurement, I would say if you want to do business with the mayor of London, you must pay your staff a London Living Wage.
Sadiq Khan