From the creation learn to admire thy Lord! And if any of the things thou see exceed thy comprehension, and thou are not able to find the reason thereof, yet for this glorify the Creator, that the wisdom of these works surpass thine understanding.
Saint John ChrysostomWhatever you may do for your brother, being hungry, and a stranger, and naked, not even the devil will be able to despoil, but it will be laid up in an inviolabe treasure.
Saint John ChrysostomIs it not excessively ridiculous to seek the good opinion of those whom you would never wish to be like?
Saint John ChrysostomThe primary goal in the education of children is to teach, and to give the example of, a virtuous life.
Saint John ChrysostomIt is a shame for a man to desire honor because of his noble progenitors, and not to deserve it by his own virtue.
Saint John ChrysostomYou see how many are the benefits of baptism, and some think its heavenly grace consists only in the remission of sins, but we have enumerated ten honors [it bestows]! For this reason we baptize even infants, though they are not defiled by [personal] sins, so that there may be given to them holiness, righteousness, adoption, inheritance, brotherhood with Christ, and that they may be his [Christ's] members
Saint John Chrysostom