He to whom many objects of pursuit arise at the same time, will frequently hesitate between different desires till a rival has precluded him, or change his course as new attractions prevail, and harass himself without advancing.
Samuel JohnsonI have adopted the Roman sentiment, that it is more honorable to save a citizen than to kill an enemy.
Samuel JohnsonA man had rather have a hundred lies told of him than one truth which he does not wish should be told.
Samuel JohnsonExtended empires are like expanded gold, exchanging solid strength for feeble splendor.
Samuel JohnsonThe real satisfaction which praise can afford, is when what is repeated aloud agrees with the whispers of conscience, by showing us that we have not endeavored to deserve well in vain.
Samuel JohnsonIn a time of war the nation is always of one mind, eager to hear something good of themselves and ill of the enemy. At this time the task of the news-writer is easy; they have nothing to do but to tell that a battle is expected, and afterwards that a battle has been fought, in which we and our friends, whether conquering or conquered, did all, and our enemies did nothing.
Samuel Johnson