No pen, no words, no image can express to you the loveliness of my only, only Lord Jesus.
Samuel RutherfordMy Lord Jesus has fully recompensed my sadness with his joys, my losses with his own presence. I find it a sweet and rich thing to exchange my sorrows with Christ's joys, my afflictions with that sweet peace I have with himself.
Samuel RutherfordI see Christ's love is so kingly, that it will not abide a marrow it must have a throne all alone in the soul.
Samuel RutherfordOh thrice fools are we who like new-born princes weeping in the cradle know not that there is a kingdom before them then let our Lord's sweet hand square us and hammer us and strike off the knots of pride self-love and world-worship and infidelity that He may make us stones and pillars in His Father's house.
Samuel Rutherford