There are three classes into which all the women past seventy that ever I knew were to be divided: 1. That dear old soul; 2. That old woman; 3. That old witch.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeA woman in a single state may be happy and may be miserable; but most happy, most miserable, these are epithets belonging to a wife.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeGenius of the highest kind implies an unusual intensity of the modifying power.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeSome men are like musical glasses; to produce their finest tones you must keep them wet.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeFacts are not truths; they are not conclusions; they are not even premises, but in the nature and parts of premises.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeWe have no adequate conception of the perfection of the ancient tragic dance. The pleasure which the greeks received from it had for its basis difference; & the more unfit the vehicle, the more lively was the curiosity & intense the delights at seeing the difficulty overcome.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge