Morris was not the type to offer a hug or even hold your hand. But there was something in his quiet indignation at the universe then--and Luke, now--that was just the kind of comfort I needed. "I'm such a mess," I said. "We're almost off the island and I didn't even ask you where you were going." He shrugged. "No place. Wherever you are.
Sarah DessenNate: โAnd,โ he said, โboys at twelve arenโt exactly slick with the ladies.โ Ruby: โโSlick with the ladiesโ?โ I said. โAre you twelve?
Sarah DessenNo relationship is perfect, ever. There are always some ways you have to bend, to compromise, to give something up in order to gain something greater.
Sarah DessenI tried to hold myself apart, showing only what I wanted, doling out bits and pieces of who I was. But that only works out for so long. Eventually, even the smallest fragments can't help but, make a whole.
Sarah DessenBut anyone can begin. It was the part with all the promise, the potential, the things I loved. More and more, though, I was finding myself wanting to find out what happened in the end.
Sarah DessenBecause you can never go from going out to being friends, just like that. It's a lie. It's just something that people say they'll do to take the permanence out of a breakup. And someone always takes it to mean more than it does, and then is hurt even more when, inevitably, said โfriendly' relationship is still a major step down from the previous relationship, and it's like breaking up all over again. But messier.
Sarah Dessen