Happiness is, in truth, a very cheap thing, when the heart will be contented to traffic with nature - art has quite a different price.
Sarah Josepha HaleWhat a ready passport wealth gives its possessor to the good opinions of this world!
Sarah Josepha HaleRiches are always over estimated; the enjoyment they give is more in the pursuit than the possession.
Sarah Josepha HaleThere can be no education without leisure; and without leisure, education is worthless.
Sarah Josepha HaleDo not, as you value the health and happiness of those who sit at your table, place before them hot leavened bread or biscuit.
Sarah Josepha HaleSome determined advocates of the vegetable system maintain, that the teeth and stomach of the monkey correspond, in structure, very closely with that of man, yet it lives on fruits - therefore if man followed nature, he would live on fruits and vegetables. But though the anatomical likeness between man and monkeys is striking, yet it is not complete; the difference may be and doubtless is precisely that which makes a difference of diet necessary to nourish and develope their dissimilar natures. Those who should live as the monkeys do would most closely resemble them.
Sarah Josepha Hale