It is useless to check the vain dunce who has caught the mania of scribbling, whether prose or poetry, canzonets or criticisms,--let such a one go on till the disease exhausts itself. Opposition like water, thrown on burning oil, but increases the evil, because a person of weak judgment will seldom listen to reason, but become obstinate under reproof.
Sarah Josepha HaleThis is a speculating and selfish age; and to think 'money will answer all things,' is too much the characteristic of Americans.
Sarah Josepha HaleThere is hardly a more heart-thrilling pleasure enjoyed by mortals, than that which parents feel when seeing their child first being able to 'catch knowledge of objects.
Sarah Josepha HaleIt is a bad business, dealing in lottery tickets ... Riches got in such a hasty manner never wear well.
Sarah Josepha Hale