Do some Sadhana. Realize the Atma! Always think like that . . . "I am the Atma. I am all."
Sathya Sai BabaYou weave the threads and there is the cloth. If the threads are removed, there is no longer cloth. When there are Godly thoughts, there is peace of mind.
Sathya Sai BabaDevelop Self-confidence, then love will folยญlow; it will come naturally from within. And that way the love will be pure.
Sathya Sai BabaWhoever tries to understand the Human Values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.
Sathya Sai BabaThink, "I am beyond the body. This body is just a water bubble. I am beyond the mind. This mind is just a mad monkey. I am the Atma. I and God are one. Before this body was formed I was there. After this body leaves I am there. Without this body I am still there. I am omnipresent. I am all." To reach this truth you have to do some spiriยญtual practice. You have to inquire, "What is God? Who is God? Who am I?" Jesus spent twelve years in the desert; then he realized. You must also do some Sadhana.
Sathya Sai Baba