In the beginning you can think, "The world is like a stage. I am only an actor. God is the director. All are His instruments, all are just acยญtors. He is directing everything." But do not always remain at that level. Move on. Think, "I am the unยญchanging Atma, not this changing personality and body."
Sathya Sai BabaWithout Self-confidence there cannot be God. So, first there must be Self-confidence and love of God.
Sathya Sai BabaOn previous occasions when God incarnated on earth, the bliss of recognising Him in the incarnation was vouchsafed only after the physical embodiment had left the world, in spite of plenty of evidences of His Grace. But, ponder a moment on this Sathya Sai Manifestation; in this age of rampant materialism, aggressive disbelief and irreverence, what is it that brings to It the adoration of millions from all over the world? You will be convinced that the basic reason for this is the fact that this is the Supra-worldly Divinity in Human Form.
Sathya Sai Baba