The gay movement is an evil institution that's goal is to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity in which there's no restrictions on sexual conduct except the principle of mutual choice.
Scott LivelyThis is a word that is not a scientific term. This is a rhetorical tool of psychological manipulation... Because everyone knows if you dare to say homosexuality is are a homophobe, which means you have a mental illness. That's what's built into this terminology.
Scott LivelyThat is the gay is the recreation of society on a different moral foundation and the problem with that is that moral foundation will lead to social chaos and destruction.
Scott LivelyThe gay movement doesn't care about what you think...they're focused on the young ones because if you can put the ideas into their minds it's just a matter of time before you die off and they take your place and their value system will then allow all the rules to be changed.
Scott Lively