This is a word that is not a scientific term. This is a rhetorical tool of psychological manipulation... Because everyone knows if you dare to say homosexuality is are a homophobe, which means you have a mental illness. That's what's built into this terminology.
Scott LivelyThere's a whole network of people ready to simply inculcate you and enfold you into their world and they want more and more people in their world because they are in a campaign to change everything
Scott LivelyIf someone is identifying themselves based on their orientation toward a person of the same gender, then that seems to me to be a self-evident disorder.
Scott LivelyWhat does the gay movement mean when it says tolerance?...It means absolutely unconditionally accepting it as perfectly normal, healthy, natural and something that should be integrated into every part of society.
Scott LivelyPeople are so intimidated by the gay movement that nobody will say why...they won't say why they don't want gay marriage...they don't dare to say because homosexuality is wrong, it's harmful for society, it's abnormal, it's unnatural, the people who are doing it can overcome it and should overcome it
Scott LivelyWhen you then establish the law that says you can't discriminate against people who are homosexual, what you're really saying is you're putting the power of law behind the idea that these are people who cannot change and therefore we must protect them from other people who disagree with them.
Scott Lively