You have got to compete with have to be working toward a future of your own. A picture of the future of your own that is contradictory to theirs, in which the things that they want to do have no place because you have been so successful at promoting the idea of sex within marriage...focus on transforming the society to be reinforcing of all these ideas...everywhere...When you do that then you create a climate in which these things really cannot get very far.
Scott LivelyThere is a norm, there is a model of the way things are supposed to be. When you find yourself outside of that, when you find yourself not fitting the way things are designed to be, it's a simple matter of just learning how you ought to be and working to restore the way things are supposed to be.
Scott LivelyWhen you then establish the law that says you can't discriminate against people who are homosexual, what you're really saying is you're putting the power of law behind the idea that these are people who cannot change and therefore we must protect them from other people who disagree with them.
Scott LivelyThe gay movement is an evil institution that's goal is to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity in which there's no restrictions on sexual conduct except the principle of mutual choice.
Scott LivelyMost of the people...they say gays are born that way and it has been...proven...That is a lie. That's what's called a lie. It is not true. There is no definitive scientific study that has ever proved that homosexuality is innate
Scott Lively