Do you love him?" Deryn swallowed, then pointed at the screen. "He makes me feel like that. Like flying.
Scott WesterfeldThe Rusty Ruins were the remains of an old city, a hulking reminder of back when there'd been way too many people, and everyone was incredibly stupid. And ugly.
Scott WesterfeldIt didn't matter what you looked like. It was how you carried yourself, how you saw yourself.
Scott WesterfeldDess shook her head. "Before he walked off, Rex said for you to wait. He said it's totally important you don't touch Angie until he comes back. and he said that if you were a pain about it, I get to hit you with that." She pointed to where the darkling had flung Flabbergasted Supernumerary Mathematician, its tip blackened by ichor and fire. "So, go ahead.
Scott Westerfeld