God has not revealed all things to man and has entrusted us with but a fragment of His mighty work. But He who directs all things, who has established and laid the foundation of the world, who has clothed Himself with Creation, He is greater and better than that which He has wrought. Hidden from our eyes, He can only be reached by the spirit.
Seneca the YoungerConcealed anger is to be feared; but hatred openly manifested destroys its chance of revenge.
Seneca the YoungerFour things does a reckless man gain who covets his neighbor's wife - demerit, an uncomfortable bed, thirdly, punishment, and lastly, hell.
Seneca the YoungerDead, we become the lumber of the world, And to that mass of matter shall be swept Where things destroyed with things unborn are kept.
Seneca the YoungerThis is the difference between us Romans and the Etruscans: We believe that lightning is caused by clouds colliding, whereas they believe that clouds collide in order to create lightning. Since they attribute everything to gods, they are led to believe not that events have a meaning because they have happened, but that they happen in order to express a meaning.
Seneca the Younger