Be sure that you are well compensated for illiquidity - especially illiquidity without control - because it can create particularly high opportunity costs.
Seth KlarmanOne of the biggest challenges in investing is that the opportunity set available today is not the complete opportunity set that should be considered. Limiting your opportunity set to the one immediately at hand would be like limiting your spouse to the students you met in high school
Seth KlarmanMost institutional investors feel compelled to swing at almost every pitch and forgo batting selectivity for frequency.
Seth KlarmanBecause investors are not usually penalized for adhering to conventional practices, doing so is the less professionally risky strategy, even though it virtually guarantees against superior performance.
Seth KlarmanPressure to produce over the short term - a gun to the head of everyone - encourages excessive risk taking which manifests itself in several ways - fully invested posture at all times, the use of leverage, and a market centric orientation that makes it difficult to stand apart from the crowd and take a long term perspective.
Seth Klarman