Please don't wear skinny jeans if you don't have skinny genes.
I go to the theater, all the time. I'm not one of these secret movie, watch a 35mm print in my living the weekend it comes out guys. I'm not Jon Bon Jovi. I go to the Arclight, like a regular asshole.
If I were directing a movie, it would scare me.
I grew up in Vancouver, man. That's where more than half of my style comes from.
For me to act natural and real but also try to be funny while doing that is hard.
I was looking to do a comedy and found a group of guys that were really supportive of my interests in it, though it was a little outside of my wheel house. Strangely, I visited the set of Knocked Up and met Seth [Rogen] and Evan [Goldberg] and Judd[Apatow] and Shauna [Robertson].