A deadness occurs in relationships when people are no longer willing to tell each other how they really feel.
Shakti GawainBy viewing our relationships with friends, family, and co-workers as mirrors, as teachers - we see that they are reflecting back to us exactly what we most need to learn.
Shakti GawainIn order to heal themselves, people must recognize, first, that they have an inner guidance deep within and, second, that they can trust it.
Shakti GawainIf you are trying to appear calm and collected on the outside when actually you are feeling upset and angry, your children may mirror this to you by becoming wild and disruptive. While you are trying to maintain control, they pick up the chaotic energy inside of you and reflect it in their behavior. If you express directly what you are feeling, without trying to cover it up, they will usually calm down. They feel comfortable with the truth, the congruity between your feelings and your words. This is true of other relationships as well.
Shakti Gawain