How is the newcomer to deal with Rome? What is one to make of this marble rubble, this milk of wolves, this blood of Caesars, this sunrise of Renaissance, this baroquery of blown stone, this warm hive of Italians, this antipasto of civilization?
Shana AlexanderAmericans ought to be the best-traveled, most cosmopolitan people on earth, not only because experience of the world is desirable in its own right, but because as a people acquires a great concentration of power, worldliness becomes a moral imperative.
Shana AlexanderThe law changes and flows like water, and . . . the stream of women's rights law has become a sudden rushing torrent.
Shana AlexanderMind and body are not to be taken lightly. Their connection is intimate and mysterious, and better mapped by poets than pornographers.
Shana Alexander