I reserve my greatest admiration for those who continue to struggle to embrace the whole impossible tangle of snakes that is our society; those who fight to identify and strengthen human connections, and defeat polarizing forces that strain to drive us apart.
Shana AlexanderA handwritten, personal letter has become a genuine modern-day luxury, like a child's pony ride.
Shana AlexanderNatural villains are hard to come by, what with all the shrinks and social-scientist types threatening to understand everybody into the ground.
Shana AlexanderIreland is not at all a simple place, and in many ways it is spare and sad. It has no wealth, no power, no stability, no influence, no fashion, no size. Its only real arts are song and drama and poem. But Limerick alone has two thousand ruined castles and surely that many practicing poets.
Shana Alexander