Roughly speaking, the President of the United States knows what his job is. Constitution and custom spell it out, for him as well as for us. His wife has no such luck. The First Lady has no rules; rather each new woman must make her own.
Shana AlexanderRumor and gossip, like sound itself, appear to travel by wave-effect, sheer preposterosity being no barrier.
Shana AlexanderThe paradox of Reality is that no image is as compelling as the one which exists only in the mind's eye.
Shana AlexanderAmericans ought to be the best-traveled, most cosmopolitan people on earth, not only because experience of the world is desirable in its own right, but because as a people acquires a great concentration of power, worldliness becomes a moral imperative.
Shana AlexanderOurs is the first society in history in which parents expect to learn from their children, rather than the other way around. Such a topsy-turvy situation has come about at least in part because, unlike the rest of the world, we are an immigrant society, and for immigrants the only hope is in the kids.
Shana Alexander