I'm totally into veganism and animal rights, but I'm not into being an angry and judgmental activist.
Sharon GannonEach of us, through the actions we take, plant the seeds which will eventually but inevitably grow and create the reality we will find ourselves living in.
Sharon GannonHuman population growth is a problem in that most humans consume more than they need. The Earth's resources are now strained to sustain the needs and wants of the human population, which continues to escalate.
Sharon GannonEating meat and dairy products is the SAD (Standard American Diet) diet. The SAD diet can only make you sad. It causes heart disease, cancer, diabetes and makes you fat. Raising animals for food destroys the environment... And those animals are not happy. They are enslaved and live humiliating, fearful lives of abuse and tremendous suffering. Veganism turns sadness into joy.
Sharon Gannon