I’m too young, too smart, and too good-looking to die. Yeah, and then some. The world needed him to improve the gene pool. Not to mention, at fourteen he hadn’t even had his first date yet. He’d only just, this night, had his first kiss. He should have recognized that alone as a sign that the apocalypse was coming and that his death was imminent.’ – Nick
Sherrilyn KenyonDon’t be jealous, baby. We’ll get to you in a jiffy. (Daimon) Jiffy? What kind of pathetic wuss uses the word ‘jiffy’? (Xypher)
Sherrilyn KenyonLook, bud. I’m trained. Ticked off. And I have a loaded weapon. You should take particular note of the loaded weapon part when annoying me. (Terri)
Sherrilyn KenyonLike this cake. It’s really very good. (Arik) As the girth to my hips will attest. (Geary)
Sherrilyn KenyonWe’re looking for anything to do with the Rod of Time. (Sin) Rod of Time, Forsaken Moon, Tablet of Destiny…you Sumerians really liked your hokey terms, huh? (Kat) They didn’t exactly ask my opinion before they named them. (Sin) Good, ‘cause my estimation of your intellect would be seriously scarred if they had. (Kat)
Sherrilyn Kenyon