(The baby sneezed. Wulf jumped as fire shot out of its nostrils and almost singed his leg.) Excuse me. I almost made Dark-Hunter barbecue, which would be really sad โcause I ainโt got no barbecue sauce with me. (Simi)
Sherrilyn KenyonI find that hard to believe. Nothing comes free in this world. Ever. (Sin) Then get up and get dressed. Thereโs the door. Iโm sure you know how to use it. Itโs a really simple process. You put one foot in front of the other, turn the knob, and keep going. (Kat)
Sherrilyn KenyonTotal evil. dang, his principal had been right all along... he really was demonspawn.
Sherrilyn KenyonBecause I took an oath to help people. To protect them from The League and any corrupt government. (Devyn) Yeah, and I know people better than to believe that for even an instant. Altruism is dead. People use and they take until youโre nothing but a bleeding corpse on the ground at their feet. (Alix)
Sherrilyn Kenyon