I remember Reagan`s election, I was pretty devastated. But you didn`t have the fear like this that so many people of color and so many disabled people and gay people and people who aren`t Christians have. And this is just making things worse. And Trump needs to try to heal. And you don`t do things like Trump does this to heal.
Sherrod BrownThe president overstepped his authority when he asked the NSA to eavesdrop on Americans' international phone calls without obtaining a warrant.
Sherrod BrownI don`t know if this is good politics or bad politics to criticize Trump, but you`ve got to call out, just like people in communities when people say racist things and feel it`s OK now to be a sexist or a racist or a misogynist or a bigot, individuals have to call them out, I have to call them out when I see it. You have to call out this president when he engages, when he hires somebody that makes people even more uncomfortable. I mean, it`s not a difference in policy. People in this country, the fear levels are higher than I can ever remember.
Sherrod Brown